
GO PRO Hero 5 / Karma Drone


Like steady cam ‘GO PRO’ cameras is a major invention. It has really changed the outlook of sports and action imaging. It is now considered as America's fastest growing Camera Company.
The Inventor of the Go Pro, Nick Woodman had the idea of using a wearable camera to capture action footage 

Go Pro though was under development in the late 90's, but the first Go Pro came out in the year 2002.

Go Pro can be attached to animals (It allows for people to observe nature without disrupting it) or any type of vehicles; camera is too small that it can be placed to film hidden angles.

Go Pro has come a long way kept on improving with customers depend. Earlier it started with VGA  recording without audio, then it introduced HD videos to 4k video capture, in-built audio recording and high speed filming. Also had their own customized rigs to place cameras on to any kind of moving platform without professionals in an easy and quick way. 

Go Pro has lined up its cameras under ‘HERO’ series.

The latest addition is Hero 5 Black, Hero 5 Session and Hero Session.

These entire new edition cameras just fit into a size of palm and records 4K video, water proof without its casing.

Hero 5 black 
Interesting additions:
  • 2 Inch touch screen
  • Raw mode for stills
  • Manual control options for white balance and ISO settings
  • Automatic cloud upload of videos and photos
  • Image stabilization
  • Better audio control and stereo recording
  • Voice controls for starting and stopping recordings
  • 12 MP still images

It has fixed lens and focus, angle of view can be adjusted like earlier Go pro cameras, black edition offers 4K video at  SuperView and Wide 24 frames per second. 

Medium and Linear view shoot in 2.7K, while Narrow view records at 1080p resolution.

Priced around $ 399

Hero 5 Session
Have nearly all features of Hero 5 black. The important specifications not included are touch display, raw photo mode and still images of 10 mega pixel.
Price around $ 299
Hero session
Most economical model of this series is priced just around $ 200. It is a very good model for amateur filming.It has 4k video recording, water proof and still images with 8 mega pixel quality.
What lacks is voice control, image stabilization and auto upload to cloud,.

Karma Drone
Go PRO, another new product in the line up is its new drone named ‘Karma’ but the package promises more than a drone.
It has a casing that holds the drone, controller and a surprising addition in the pack is ‘stabilizing karma mount grip’- a gimbal.
So consumers not only benefit for aerial filming, the gimbal in the pack will be more useful for follow shots and glide aways!
The design is very compact and camera hangs off in the front of drone and keeps the propellers out of the shot. 
GoPro drone has a video game style controller with simple two joysticks and a take-off/land button. The controller has a built-in touch screen. So there is no need for phone or a tablet just to adjust settings. 
Karma is well designed and also user friendly. Easy navigation and set up for anyone who can assemble toy set can operate. The built allows the drone to fly within seconds.
According to company specification, drone provides smooth glide hovering as high as 3280ft (1,000m) at a maximum speed of 35mph (15m/s). 
The video is stabilized by its 3 axis gimbal attached to the drone.
Karma drone is priced at $ 1099 along with Hero black edition camera.
For only drone it costs around $799.

CJ Rajkumar

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