


On a harsh sunny day, especially when clock tickles around 11am to 3pm direction and harshness of the sunlight is sometimes a big worry for cinematographers. 

Hollywood company Airstar has recently introduced a new floating soft diffusion screen named ‘Cloud’, a flying bounce / diffusion balloon made up of inflatable silk material filled with helium gas. This flying screen measures 20x20 feet. 

Since debut, Cloud has become a 24 hour solution for grips, providing knockdown diffusion of 2 f-stops to 3 f-stops during the day and working as a bounce during night hours.

There is also 12x12 feet for smaller applications. This floating diffusion can be used independently or can be zipped together to resize according to the requirement for desired size, even up to 60x20 feet.
These units are quick and convenient way to create a floating, soft diffusion and  possible to block or diffuse the sunlight at any critical angle and height which is perfect for blocking hard to reach light sources.

Cloud grip requires just two technicians and can be positioned into sky within 20 minutes approximately.
Above all the effect it creates is more natural like a soft diffused cloud.

CJ Rajkumar

Author / Cinematographer.

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