
Light and Shadow - Greatest Cinematographers of the World - Interviewed


What is great filmmaking, Legendary Cinematographers share their personal perspectives on what they do and what it means to them.

Roberto Schaefer ASC AIC Cinematographer
Steven Fierberg ASC Cinematographer
Elliot Rosenblatt Producer
Bob Primes ASC Cinematographer
Peter James ASC ACS Cinematographer
Janusz Kaminski Cinematographer
Bruce Logan ASC Cinematographer
Haskell Wexler ASC Cinematographer
Vilmos Zsigmond ASC Cinematographer
Richard Crudo ASC Cinematographer
Philip Bloom Cinematographer
Polly Morgan Cinematographer
Conrad Hall ASC Cinematographer
Frederic Goodich ASC Cinematographer
Stephen Goldblatt ASC BSC Cinematographer
Ryan Walters Cinematographer
Den Lennie Cinematographer
Michael Negrin ASC Cinematographer
Nancy Schreider ASC Cinematographer
Francis Kenny ASC Cinematographer
Stephen Lighthill ASC Cinematographer
Michael Koerbel Cinematographer
Daryn Okada ASC Cinematographer
Victor Kemper ASC Cinematographer
Mick Jones Cinematographer
Ron Garcia ASC Cinematographer
Rodney Charters ASC CSC Cinematographer
Russell Boyd ACS ASC Cinematographer
Isidore Mankofsky ASC Cinematographer
Colt Seman Cinematographer
Gordon Willis ASC Cinematographer
Roger Deakins ASC BSC Cinematographer
Vittorio Storaro ASC AIC Cinematographer
Alan Thatcher Cinematographer

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